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I cannot figure out how to create a response file in this new version of SAP SQL Anywhere 17. None of the "old" command line switches seem to work. If the response file generation switch has changed, its not documented anywhere I can find. I tried: /r, -r, I even tried the very old -options-record switch. Any help would be appreciated.

asked 06 Jun '17, 12:05

ToToRoYN's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jun '17, 09:07

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Please review the Silent Install documentation in the documentation as there has been some changes. See*loio8168a3fa6ce21014a346e584d7ae12a7

(07 Jun '17, 10:19) Chris Keating
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question asked: 06 Jun '17, 12:05

question was seen: 1,986 times

last updated: 07 Jun '17, 10:19