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Hi all.

I have been attempting to include the SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 merge module (created using the deployment wizard) in our existing InstallShield installer but am having trouble changing the location to which the files are installed.

Attempting to change the destination of the module under redistributables appears to have no effect.

I am aware of the SQLANYDIR parameter that sets the install location but am having trouble getting InstallShield to pass this through. If I set a property I have to hard code the location and cannot use the InstallShield dynamic folders (e.g. [CommonFilesFolder]).

The only way I have found to do this is by direct editing the directory table.

I am afraid I am new to InstallShield. Am I going about this wrong? Is there an easy way to do this that does not involve manually including the required files?

Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

asked 01 Sep '11, 06:25

Simon's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 15 Mar '13, 22:08

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

You are on the right track - it should be a matter of setting the SQLANYDIR parameter for the InstallShield environment, and the provided merge module template will deploy to that location. When you build an MSI, there is a screen that we provide during install that prompts the user for that folder and sets that variable to that value - you would have to do something similar in your InstallShield project either at runtime, or pass it into the install silently. (setup.exe /v"SQLANYDIR=\"c:\Program Files\My SQLANYDIR Install Location"")


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answered 19 Mar '13, 08:33

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

@Jeff: You are aware the question is from Sep 2011...?

(19 Mar '13, 09:26) Volker Barth
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Yes, and there were also 500 views on the question without any answer - not very good! Mark's retagging project has brought that to light - thanks Mark. :)

While we unfortunately may have missed an opportunity to help the original poster, I am hoping others may be able to look back/reference this answer and use it for their own InstallShield projects.

(19 Mar '13, 09:33) Jeff Albion

Better late than never I suppose.

I can't remember what we did in the end, but I think we found a solution. I suppose I should have come back and answered my own question.

(21 Mar '13, 12:12) Simon
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question asked: 01 Sep '11, 06:25

question was seen: 3,526 times

last updated: 21 Mar '13, 12:12