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We were in the process of bringing our entire development/deployment environment up to Build 3554.

We've been able to install it cleanly on multiple machines. However, one of the development machines keeps causing us some issues. It gets through the "Copying new files" portion, then it registers the ODBC components and gets to the part where it says it's going to migrate existing SQL Anywhere databases. At that point it stops and everything starts moving backwards with a "Rolling back action" message. When it's done rolling back, it throws a message up that says "The wizard was interrupted before SQL Anywhere 12 could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again."

This has happened multiple times. I've made sure that we're not looking at any disk space issues. Have over 6GB available on the drive I'm installing this onto, and the OS drive has over 26GB available. I've made sure that nothing is running on the machine. Rebooted the machine to make sure there were not any files that were locked. No success.

Is there possibly a way to trace an install to see where it is running into problems? Would really like to clear this up since it is the last machine I need to upgrade.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!!


Jeff Gibson
Intercept Solutions - Sybase SQL Anywhere OEM Partner
Nashville, TN

asked 13 Feb '12, 18:30

Jeff%20Gibson's gravatar image

Jeff Gibson
accept rate: 20%

edited 15 Mar '13, 21:23

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp


During EBF install you should be able to skip the migration of old monitor data. Might just be a workaround...

(14 Feb '12, 06:34) Martin
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The problem is it wasn't monitor data. My impression was that it was getting ready to migrate any sample databases that are installed on the machine.

(14 Feb '12, 15:45) Jeff Gibson

AFAIK there's only one sample database, and EBFs don't touch it... if that has changed, it would be monumental IMO.

(14 Feb '12, 15:58) Breck Carter

You were right Breck. See my comment below.

(27 Feb '12, 17:52) Jeff Gibson

I have found using the SQL Anywhere silent install and the /L msiexec logging option helpful in diagnosing installation problems. The silent install simply makes it easy to repeat an installation. The logging will hopefully help in pinpointing the problem.

The various levels of verbosity offered by msiexec /L option and several examples are documented at

permanent link

answered 14 Feb '12, 09:26

Bill%20Frier's gravatar image

Bill Frier
accept rate: 41%

I can't seem to get my head wrapped around the syntax of setting this up.

This is what I came up with so far...

D:\downloads\Sybase\sqla12\EBF3554\SA12_Windows.1201_3554_EBF.exe /l:1033 /s "/v: /f v"

Still did the same thing and did not create any type of log file. If I could get some assistance with the silent install and implementing the msiexec logging option, I would appreciate it. Still can't install this update on one of my development machines.


(21 Feb '12, 13:14) Jeff Gibson
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The file you referenced is the EBF self-extracting archive. The command line arguments are for msiexec, which is typically accessed using setup.exe. To get the files you need, you need to extract them from the archive. See the post on unattended EBF installation for some details on extracting install.

If you are running the silent install, typically you would specify at least REGKEY and INSTALLDIR. I usually specify DIR_SAMPLES as well. For example a silent install command line might look like,

{path_to_extracted_setup}\setup /s "/v: /l*v! c:\temp\silent.log /qn REGKEY={your_registration_key} INSTALLDIR=c:\sybase\SA12 DIR_SAMPLES=c:\sybase\SA12\Samples"
(21 Feb '12, 15:30) Bill Frier

I haven't been successful yet on the install Bill. However, I did run the install again and took multiple screen shots during the install.

I was incorrect when I said at the end that the install was trying to migrate a database. The actual message I got was...

"Migrating existing SQL Anywhere Monitor data to the updated database."

Then it's immediately after that where I get the rollback message...

"Rolling back action:"

Then finally the message at the end states "The wizard was interrupted before SQL Anywhere 12 could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again. Click Finish to exit the wizard".

So with this new bit of info, is there any additional light that anybody can shed on this?


(27 Feb '12, 17:57) Jeff Gibson

Have you tried skipping the migration of the monitor database as Martin had suggested? I believe there is a check box for this in the GUI install: uncheck it.

If it is looking like a problem migrating the monitor database, maybe you could try to manually migrate the monitor database on one of the machines that upgraded successfully.

Before any attempts, be sure to take a backup of the monitor database files. If the problem is reproducible on other machines, then it would be great if you logged a support case. If you have a support plan, that would be the best option. If not, then you could use Case Express

If it is not reproducible on other machines, it could be a problem with permissions or locked files. You mentioned rebooting, but is possible for files to be locked again after boot. I find the Sysinternals Process Monitor ( useful in such situations.

(06 Mar '12, 15:49) Bill Frier
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question asked: 13 Feb '12, 18:30

question was seen: 4,924 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 21:23