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Running the setup for SA, the setup asks if I want to dismiss/throw away the SA monitor data" (in German "Verlaufsdaten von SQL Anywhere-Monitor verwerfen.").

As I don't use the SA monitor on that box, I opt for this option (initially it was not checked). As a migration seems to take time, I'd like to omit this. My expectation is that the previous monitor data will not be migrated, instead it will be erased, and new data will be created.

But during the install, there's a dialog that displays the progress of the migration of the SA monitor data.

On another box, I recall the same behaviour.


May the option have the wrong title (at least in the German setup)?

(Yes, this is just a slight issue...)

asked 15 Nov '10, 09:25

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 15 Nov '10, 15:26

Which platform are you using? Windows?

(15 Nov '10, 14:09) Mark Culp

@Mark: 32-bit Windows

(15 Nov '10, 14:45) Volker Barth

We've had discussions internally about the wording of this option, because it is misleading. There are two type of SA Monitor data: the configuration data (the list of servers that you are monitoring) and the monitoring data itself (historical values for all of the items being monitored). When we install a new copy of monitor.db, we always preserve the configuration data, and optionally preserve the monitor data according to the setting of the checkbox. That's why you see the migrator running regardless of the setting of the checkbox; we are migrating the configuration data. The install program can't tell if you have ever used the SA Monitor on a particular computer, so the configuration data is always migrated.

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answered 15 Nov '10, 14:22

Bill%20Hillis's gravatar image

Bill Hillis
accept rate: 66%

So that is expected behaviour? - If so, and since the real details seem difficult to express within a setup, I'm fine:)

(15 Nov '10, 14:47) Volker Barth

Yes, it's expected but not ideal. We're considering potential changes in future versions.

(15 Nov '10, 15:38) Bill Hillis
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question asked: 15 Nov '10, 09:25

question was seen: 3,922 times

last updated: 15 Nov '10, 15:26