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I am researching if the actual setup.exe version can be somehow displayed in the batch process that updates the EBF installation.

In order to allow for an unattended EBF installation the downloaded executable has to be extracted first (see Launching unattended EBF installation). However, after the files for the build were extracted I checked the file properties of the setup.exe file and it is showing (32-bit) as the File Version.

asked 21 Nov '11, 11:17

Derli%20Marcochi's gravatar image

Derli Marcochi
accept rate: 33%

This is happening as a result of the way that we do our build and QA processes. We always re-build the install just before we are ready to release an EBF so that we get all of the most recent changes included. Since the time that we started the QA process on build 3484, we had already progressed and done several more builds and the EBF is released using a newer version of setup.exe.

To determine the version of the EBF, look for the ProductVersion attribute in the file setup.ini. It will have the correct version of the SA build.

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answered 21 Nov '11, 12:37

Bill%20Hillis's gravatar image

Bill Hillis
accept rate: 66%

@Bill, Thanks for the explanation!

(21 Nov '11, 13:19) Derli Marcochi
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question asked: 21 Nov '11, 11:17

question was seen: 2,564 times

last updated: 21 Nov '11, 13:19