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During the installation of version the SQLANY12 environment variable somehow was not created as expected in the Window. The install was done with in the default drive (C:\program files) with 1.1 GB disk space and the databases will be running on D: (95 GB free).

After the 3554 build was applied it was noticed that SQLANY12 environment variable was not in place. We instructed the user to manually create this variable pointing to the C:\program files\SQL Anywhere 12 folder.

Could the missing environment variable be caused by low disk space? Is there a way to define where the temp files should be located to avoid potential crashes by lack of space?

asked 05 Apr '12, 14:52

Derli%20Marcochi's gravatar image

Derli Marcochi
accept rate: 33%

edited 05 Apr '12, 15:45

There are a couple different ways of doing it:

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answered 05 Apr '12, 15:42

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen
accept rate: 25%

Thanks for pointing an alternative for the temp files.

But, I am still wondering what could be the reason for the SQLANY12 environment variable not to be created during the install. Any thoughts?

(05 Apr '12, 15:48) Derli Marcochi

I've seen issues like that before because the user doesn't proper security, or UAC is turned on (newer OSs). I would imagine it would be a difficult error to diagnose, but someone from Sybase may have an answer better than mine for that.

(05 Apr '12, 15:58) Calvin Allen

Thanks Calvin! I created a new question for the SQLANY12 issue.

(06 Apr '12, 09:35) Derli Marcochi

Could the missing environment variable be caused by low disk space? No. The registry is modified to add the new environment variable.

If you launched the install from a command prompt window, the SQLANY12 environment variable will not be defined for that window or any other command prompt window that is open. Launch a new command prompt and check to see if the SQLANY12 environment variable is now defined. Also, look at Computer >> Properties >> Advanced System Settings >> Environment Variables >> System Variable >> Path.

Hope this helps.

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answered 09 Apr '12, 10:59

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

The low disk space was displayed when there was about 500MB free which IMHO, shouldn't avoid the env variable to be created.

The InstallShield setup, started after the 12 install, did report the variable missing. This executable was also launched via GUI.

(09 Apr '12, 14:01) Derli Marcochi
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question asked: 05 Apr '12, 14:52

question was seen: 3,536 times

last updated: 09 Apr '12, 14:01