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I have an installation-file of SQL-Anywhere 12 (from downloaded and licenced file: If I install it for Windows 7 - 64bit, I can select all features to install. Everything will be installed (Databases, Mobilink, drivers,...)

But when I try to install it for Windows Server 2003 (64-bit) I can only install the following features: - Databases (SQL Anywhere (64-bit), SQL Anywhere (32-bit), SQL Anywhere for Windows mobile) - Administrationstools (64-bit) - Administrationstools (32-bit) There is no obvious opportunity to install the other features (Mobilink, Drivers,...)

Does anybody know, why I cannot install everything (missing administration-rights under Windows or something else,...?)

asked 12 Mar '12, 10:52

michael%20aichner's gravatar image

michael aichner
accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 21:19

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Are you using the same licence key?

AFAIK, that key will somewhat influence what components can be installed...

(12 Mar '12, 10:54) Volker Barth

Yes, I need the same licence key.

(12 Mar '12, 11:29) michael aichner

Ok, I think I have solved the problem.

We have two different licence keys. And I was sure of using the same key. So I uninstalled everything, so also the keys were no longer saved in the windows-registry. I installed it again with the other key and now I could install everything. I have to investigate, if there are the same licences behind the keys. So, Volker Barth, I think you were right with your hint. Also I was sure of using the same key... I think it was my mistake

Thanks for your help. Best regards

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answered 12 Mar '12, 12:24

michael%20aichner's gravatar image

michael aichner
accept rate: 0%

FWIW, the "limited choice" looks like you had tried a Web Edition licence key...

(13 Mar '12, 05:16) Volker Barth
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question asked: 12 Mar '12, 10:52

question was seen: 4,633 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 21:19