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How to uninstall the entire set of SQL Anywhere 12 ?

asked 08 Jul '11, 22:20

qkc1828's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Windows or Unix?

(08 Jul '11, 23:40) Mark Culp
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Windows XP

(13 Jul '11, 15:14) qkc1828

Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Add or Remove Programs

Choose SQL Anywhere 12 and then push the Remove button.

If you have installed the documentation, you have to uninstall it in a separate action.

This will not remove any database files you have created, including the demo database.

permanent link

answered 13 Jul '11, 16:18

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

edited 13 Jul '11, 17:09

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp


And for anyone reading this answer in the future and wants to know how to uninstall the s/w on Unix... the answer is that you can either run the script that gets created in the base directory of where you installed the s/w.... or just use "/bin/rm -rf <base-directory>". Please note that the /bin/rm solution is only good to use if you have not chosen to install menu links to your Linux install.

(13 Jul '11, 19:45) Mark Culp
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on Windows system,how to clean all the related files after uninstall?

(20 Jul '11, 19:29) qkc1828

If by "related files" you mean the databases that you have have created, then just delete them. All other software and related files that were added to your computer when SQL Anywhere was installed on your computer will be removed by the uninstall program; only files which you have created after the install will remain after the uninstall program has been run. If you don't want these files that you have created then just delete them... there isn't anything else you need to do.

(21 Jul '11, 01:30) Mark Culp

On Windows, if you defined any SQL Anywhere ODBC data sources, they will remain after the uninstall. You will not be able to remove them using the ODBC Administrator because the SA driver won't be there anymore. You'll need to remove their registry entries to get rid of them.

(21 Jul '11, 09:27) José Ramos
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On Windows, the software is installed (by default) into "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 12". The documentation (if installed) is also here. The SQLANY12 environment variable points to this location.

The samples are installed into your public documents area. On my Windows 7 system, the default location is "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 12\Samples". For WinXP, the doc says they are here: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SQL Anywhere 12\Samples". The SQLANYSAMP12 environment variable points to this location.

SA12 files may be created here (Windows 7): C:\Users\All Users\SQL Anywhere 12 C:\ProgramData\SQL Anywhere 12

More generally, if you look for directories called "SQL Anywhere 12", you should find any files created since the install and not uninstalled:

dir/s/b/a "sql anywhere 12"

Also, look for admin tools (Sybase Central, DBISQL) folders here: C:\ProgramData C:\Users\Public\Documents

The SQL Anywhere Monitor has a separate install. After running the uninstall, I would look here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 12\Monitor

(27 Jul '11, 13:19) Steven McDowell
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question asked: 08 Jul '11, 22:20

question was seen: 7,921 times

last updated: 27 Jul '11, 13:19