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I've not used it for a while, but it appears to have disappeared. Is it just temporary or has it been replaced with something else ?

Thanks Daz.

asked 30 Sep '21, 09:39

Daz%20Liquid's gravatar image

Daz Liquid
accept rate: 28%

permanent link

answered 30 Sep '21, 11:26

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

converted 30 Sep '21, 12:29

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

Funny, I exactly tried that before writing my answer... Now the link works for me, as well. Wow, finally via https...!

(30 Sep '21, 12:30) Volker Barth

I agree, it should.

See this FAQ.

AFAIK, in the last weeks, the old link has been (at least better) available, but currently it seems broken, either.

permanent link

answered 30 Sep '21, 09:49

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 30 Sep '21, 09:50

Doh ... Have a feeling I skipped the install documentation option too, anyone have a 10.0.1 help file lying around ? :-)

(30 Sep '21, 09:59) Daz Liquid
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> anyone have a 10.0.1 help file lying around ?

Yes... send me an email at breck carter gmail

(30 Sep '21, 11:17) Breck Carter
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question asked: 30 Sep '21, 09:39

question was seen: 921 times

last updated: 30 Sep '21, 12:30