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Rant Alert!

I decided to edit this question before I read the replies... in fact before I even knew there were replies.

It is an unfair rant because it assumes tha a single case of DCX link rot implies (a) that many other cases of DCX link rot exist, and (b) that when all the rotted links are fixed they will inevitably rot again.

There's no proof that either assumption is correct.

I know (some of) the people who work on DCX, I know they care about this stuff.

So... you've been warned... and here's the original rant:

This link worked on April 24, 2009, and now it no longer works...

That means I have to fix this blog post:

I have two choices: Update the link to DCX, or remove it altogether.

I am leaning towards Door Number Two: no more links to DCX... that's generally how I deal with websites that are prone to link rot.

Does anyone have a better idea?

asked 04 Oct '10, 15:48

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 05 Oct '11, 03:21

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The issue is fixed. Sorry about that, Breck!

We definitely want links to be backwards compatible, so if you do see any other issues with linking (or anything dcx-related for that matter), you can always let us know by sending an email to

permanent link

answered 04 Oct '10, 18:10

Andrew%20Arnott's gravatar image

Andrew Arnott
accept rate: 100%


That is what I should have done. Just because 99.99% of other websites don't respond when you send emails to, is no reason to assume DCX is the same! As always, Watcom Does Things The Way They Should Be Done.

(05 Oct '10, 04:40) Breck Carter
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question asked: 04 Oct '10, 15:48

question was seen: 2,662 times

last updated: 05 Oct '11, 03:21