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When trying to login on the DCX homepage to add or edit comments (because, well, that's just its purpose...) I do get the following eror message:

Error - Page does not exist (404)

Sorry. The page that you are looking for cannot be found on the server. 

Are edits disabled?

asked 06 May '21, 12:20

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Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%


21 hours later it works fine :) Just in case, you can use SAP Help (I know, you don't like it):

(07 May '21, 09:52) Vlad
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Hm, I can access DCX itself, it's just the login feature that fails, which is required for comments. And it still fails for me. And AFAIK adding public comments is not available with the SAP Help Portal.

(07 May '21, 11:46) Volker Barth

> Are edits disabled?

That's not surprising. Sad, yes, but not surprising. If edits are allowed, they must be moderated.

However, it would be terrible if DCX disappeared altogether, because there are a lot of people who use older versions.

(07 May '21, 15:22) Breck Carter
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Well, I have never noticed unfitting comments (nor spam) in DCX — of course this might be due to effective moderation, who knows? :)

(07 May '21, 15:59) Volker Barth
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question asked: 06 May '21, 12:20

question was seen: 568 times

last updated: 08 May '21, 16:20