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Probably there's a real simple answer tro this, but it eludes me.

For testing I have installed three servers with development licenses (primary and secundary servers and arbiter) I just bought a one processor license. I figured it would be a small deal to enter the newly begotten key and get one step closer to production, but I can't find out how to do it. I don't really want to uninstall/reinstall three servers. Do I have to, or is there a different way.

By the way, I found dblic, but it seems to take some binary lic file. I have a readable key, not a lic file...

asked 23 Dec '09, 21:04

RobertDD's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

It's Christmas Eve, so there are no sane people around to answer your question... just me.

I believe that you have to run setup.exe to enter a new registration key. That does not mean you have to run a full setup. When you run a setup on top of an existing installation, you get more menu options, like "Add".

Just in case it helps, here is a doc I wrote for myself back in The Dark Days when I was uninstalling and installing Version 10 repeatedly (for some reason lost in time)...

In your case, you might have been able to start at Step 4:

-- 1. Uninstall SA 10 Software

-- Run:     Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs
-- Remove:  SQL Anywhere 10 Software

-- 2. OPTIONAL - Uninstall SA 10 Docs

-- This really isn't necessary if all you're doing is
-- reinstalling the software.

-- Run:     Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs
-- Remove:  SQL Anywhere 10 Documentation

-- 3. Install SA 10.0.0 GA Software

-- You can copy-and-paste the whole key even though
-- the input field is formatted into sections.

-- Run Developer GA:  SQLAnywhere_1000_Windows.exe
--    Use this key:   xxx...

-- 4. Enable Full Functionality

-- You can copy-and-paste the whole key even though
-- the input field is formatted into sections.

-- This will be very fast.

-- Run again:        SQLAnywhere_1000_Windows.exe
--    Select:        "Add"
--    Use this key:  xxx...
--    Seats:         n..

HA key: xxx...

-- 5. Upgrade Software to 10.0.1

-- Run upgrade:  SQLAnywhere10_Windows_Patch_10.0.1.exe

-- 6. OPTIONAL - Install SA 10.0.1 Docs

-- This really isn't necessary if all you're doing is
-- reinstalling the software.

-- Run docs:    SQLAnywhere10_Documentation_10.0.1.exe
--    Uncheck:  English Printable Books (PDF)

-- 7. Apply Software EBF

-- Run EBF:  sa_1001_win32_ebf_3579.exe

-- end -- 
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answered 24 Dec '09, 13:46

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

I haven't confirmed that this is how to do it, so I haven't flagged this as the right answer, but I gave it thumbs. I actually tried running the install again and seem to remember that that did not get me where I wanted to be, but I was worried about screwing things up so I might not have gone far enough down the installation path.

(28 Dec '09, 18:36) RobertDD

Just to complete the picture:

Starting with SA 12, you can simply re-key the SQL Anywhere software by using the new DBLIC -k option, cf. this question.

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answered 24 Sep '10, 09:27

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

I've gone ahead and uninstalled/reinstalled all three servers. I'm sure that wasn't the right thing to do, but it was a lot quicker than trying to find the answer to my question.

If anybody does know the real answer to my question: I would still like to know.

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answered 23 Dec '09, 22:52

RobertDD's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

Uninstalling and reinstalling using your purchased key is the correct way to do this... at least up to and including v11.

(24 Dec '09, 17:02) Mark Culp
  1. Install SA somewhere else using your new registration key.
  2. Copy dbsrv10.lic to the production server(s).
  3. Uninstall server installed in #1.
(28 Dec '09, 10:32) Dmitri
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question asked: 23 Dec '09, 21:04

question was seen: 5,424 times

last updated: 24 Sep '10, 09:27