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every 1-2 days our server crashed with the Error Message in the title. There was a reportet error here but i should be fixed since Any ideas what to do?

asked 20 Nov '14, 08:08

dnichterwitz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Some data structure within the server is normally allocated within a single memory page and it is exceeding the page size. The assertion failure could come from different source allocations so we don't have enough information to understand what causes the problem. If you send the crash report information using the Support utility (dbsupport) then technical support can identify the server operation causing the issue.

Alternatively, if you can identify the statement causing the assertion (perhaps using request level logging, see the -zr database server option then you can perhaps identify what is causing the memory allocation to be large (perhaps in cooperation with the forum or technical support).

If the memory is allocated on the main heap, you would be able to work around the problem by using either the -gp database server option to increase the page size used for the main heap. If that does not work, another possibility is to increase the page size of the database. If you can identify the statement causing the problem, there may be a way to simplify the statement.

This is also a candidate for a server change to either give an improved error message (instead of a fatal assertion) or to use a different data structure that does not have to fit into a single page.

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answered 20 Nov '14, 08:44

Ivan%20T.%20Bowman's gravatar image

Ivan T. Bowman
accept rate: 39%

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question asked: 20 Nov '14, 08:08

question was seen: 6,446 times

last updated: 20 Nov '14, 08:44