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Does anyone have any ideas on where to start looking when a database engine service simply disappears? No assertion, no error in the console log, nothing in the Windows event logs.

Server re-starts without complaint.


asked 20 Sep '12, 08:04

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

Anything in the translated transaction log?

(20 Sep '12, 09:24) Volker Barth
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Hi Volker. I've translated it now, but there's nothing except a gap in time between normal activity and then a check point when the server came back up three minutes later:

INSERT INTO pears.RecentObjects(StaffID,ObjectType,ObjectID,LastViewed)
VALUES ('MG0OYXCG140620110000','T','X459479','2012-09-20 11:21:11.967')
--CHECKPOINT-0000-02223301471-2012-09-20 11:24
--CONNECT-1287-02223301497-pears-2012-09-20 11:24
--BEGIN TRANSACTION-1287-02223301510

The Recent objects record is inserted automatically and the timestamp on it (11:21:11) is just before the time the server died. The checkpoint at 11:24 matches the restart.

(20 Sep '12, 10:34) Justin Willey

Have you used "DBTRAN -a -d" or other switches to "get most out of the log" for the according log part - say, in order to notice any uncommitted operations?

Besides that, I can't tell whether the contents gives any clues:(

(20 Sep '12, 11:06) Volker Barth

good point re the -a , re-translating now.

(20 Sep '12, 11:07) Justin Willey

This is the version with the -a -d switches

--INSERT INTO pears.RecentObjects(StaffID,ObjectType,ObjectID,LastViewed)
--VALUES ('MG16KIPA250820090000','P','MG14VXKC300420070039','2012-09-20 11:21:11.889')
--UPDATE pears.TempShift
--   SET PlacementID='MG17ADJF120620120047',
--       TempTimeSheetID='MG0VJBLH2009201200B7',
--       State='W',
--       BreakMinutes=40
-- WHERE TempShiftID='MG0T4YDD310820120006'
--CONNECT-2363-02223301447-recovery-2012-09-20 11:24
--CHECKPOINT-0000-02223301471-2012-09-20 11:24
--CONNECT-1287-02223301497-pears-2012-09-20 11:24

but no smoking gun that I can see...

(20 Sep '12, 11:32) Justin Willey

A case for the great iAnywhere experts, obviously... - I hope they come around here:)

(20 Sep '12, 11:42) Volker Barth

Sorry, I couldn't resist to note that this isn't the supposed meaning of the slogan "SQL Anywhere - The Invisible Database"...

(18 Oct '12, 07:23) Volker Barth
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When the SQL Anywhere database server unexpectedly crashes, it will normally catch this event itself and automatically create a mini-dump file and supply this information to dbsupport. Depending upon your submission settings, dbsupport will either auto-submit this information automatically to SAP/Sybase or will hold on to the information until you submit it manually.

Use dbsupport -lc to list all unsubmitted crashes on the system. Use dbsupport -sa to submit any outstanding crashes to SAP/Sybase. Once the information has been submitted, if you post the submission ID here, I can take a quick look at the submission for you to see if it's a known issue.

If your server is still crashing and no information is being passed to dbsupport, there are other ways to manually collect this diagnostic information from the server (via procdump and psexec, if required). If you need to go this route though, we would recommend that you also open a technical support case with us so that we can work with you on collecting this output and have it analyzed.

A reminder that SQL Anywhere 10.0.x has been end-of-life'd, so there could also be an outstanding technical issue with the product that will not be fixed by a software patch - we will attempt to provide "limited technical assistance" for the product via technical support instead (suggest workarounds, etc.).

"Crashes" can frequently be related to database corruption (although this will typically be reported as an "assertion" in the database console log - I noted that you've already checked this: dbsrv10 -o console.txt). Have you validated your database to ensure it is not corrupted? Particularly the pears.TempShift and pears.RecentObjects tables? If you re-run the last INSERT and UPDATE logged in the transaction log, does it result in the same crash?

Update by Justin Willey - support found the problem in a query evaluation / optimizer routine. The routine was rewritten for v11 so shouldn't be present in v11 or higher versions. See comments below.

permanent link

answered 20 Sep '12, 15:43

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 22 Oct '12, 09:10

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey

Mnay thanks for the detailed reply Jeff - I'm seeing what we can find.

On the point about corruption we have a full validation scheduled for Saturday. Also I can try those specific statements again as you suggest.

(21 Sep '12, 13:12) Justin Willey
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Hi - just had a recurrence - have tried submitting but getting:

Error submitting report: No reply received from web server. Error sending to

Is it possible to send you the files?

Many thanks

(15 Oct '12, 13:40) Justin Willey

I believe we have a current outage in the submission server - I'm not sure when this is to be resolved.

Do you have a support plan and can you open a support ticket for this issue?

(16 Oct '12, 13:27) Jeff Albion

@Jeff, I've submitted the mini core files etc for event SA10_20121017_101730_3440 (this is another incident yesterday with the same symptoms) under case #11759414 - many thanks

(18 Oct '12, 06:42) Justin Willey

The (full) validation completed without any problems.

(18 Oct '12, 06:43) Justin Willey

Have heard back from support. The crash seems to relate to a portion of code in the query evaluation / optimization process. The routine in question has been re-written in v11 so the problem shouldn't be present in that or later versions.

(22 Oct '12, 09:06) Justin Willey
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question asked: 20 Sep '12, 08:04

question was seen: 3,445 times

last updated: 22 Oct '12, 09:10