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When I try to start the database service or connect to the write file (using dbeng9) I get the following error:

Error Connection Failed:database error ERROR Assertion failed: 201818 ( Checkpoint Log: invalid bitmap page -- transacction rolled back

No log file exists. I had tried to valid or rebuild the database file but the error stops that.

Some tools or procedures for recovering data ?

Thanks for your help

Moises Huallpamaita M. Cusco PERU

asked 27 Apr '12, 13:23

Moiseshm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assertion 201818 indicates a corruption problem with the checkpoint log, which is why you cannot start the database - the checkpoint log bitmap is found to be corrupt before the forward transaction log can be processed.

If you don't have a (valid) backup that you can restore, you should contact Sybase technical support for assistance with salvaging the data from the database.

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answered 27 Apr '12, 16:44

Glenn%20Paulley's gravatar image

Glenn Paulley
accept rate: 43%

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question asked: 27 Apr '12, 13:23

question was seen: 4,680 times

last updated: 27 Apr '12, 16:44