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I'm running SQL Anywhere v9 on a Win 2003 server.

When I try to start the database service or connect to the write file (using dbeng9) I get the following error:

[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Internal database error ERROR Assertion failed: 101412 ( Page number on page does not match page requested -- transaction rolled back Error code=-301 SQL state=HY000

Invalid page at page: 4cece pointer address: 10316000

Thanks for your help

asked 12 Apr '12, 16:41

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edited 12 Apr '12, 16:45

Failed assertions indicate possible database corruption. There is a technote that provides recommendations on how you should proceed. This specific failed assertion is commonly caused by some sort of hardware failure (e.g. bad disk or RAM), but there have been a couple of fixes to 9.0.2 since build 3320 that were meant to address instances of this assertion (CR 480103 and CR 491885).

(12 Apr '12, 17:54) Bill Frier
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question asked: 12 Apr '12, 16:41

question was seen: 10,600 times

last updated: 12 Apr '12, 17:54