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As part of a discussion in this FAQ, these questions have come up:

  • What exactly does an EBF attributed with "SA components only" include, and what components are missing?

  • And does it mean such an EBF will include all cumulative fixes for these components and will not contain any fixes for the components not included?

  • And what do I need to do if I have applied such an EBF and need to update other components, and there's no newer EBF with all components? - Do I have to need to uninstall the SA version completely before I can apply the latest "all components" EBF?

Here's a sample from the current EBF list for Solaris SPARC:

alt text

asked 05 Apr '13, 13:16

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 05 Apr '13, 18:47

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

The EBFs that say "SA components only" only contain the software for the database server and related client libraries and tools (not including Sybase Central nor dbisql, but does include dbisqlc). Updated software for the other SQL Anywhere components - Mobilink, Ultralite, Relay Server, etc - are not included in the EBF. If you only use the database server (and/or the database client software) - i.e. you do not sync your data - then applying the "SA components only" EBF will update all of the pieces that you use. Note that the "SA components only" type of EBF is only done for the Unix platforms (including Linux and Mac).

When you apply a "SA components only" EBF to an install that contains non database server/client software the non-database related software does not get updated but will continue to function. I.e. you can mix versions in this special situation but it is not recommended. i.e. If you are using more than just the database server and related client software then we would recommend that you only use "all components" EBFs.

Note if the download site does not explicitly say "SA components only" or "all components" then it is an "all components" EBF. i.e. everything is included unless otherwise specified.

If you using a Unix platform (i.e. NOT Windows) and you apply a "SA components only" EBF and then want to apply another EBF (for "all components") then just download the all components EBF and apply it. The "all components" EBF will update all of the software, older and newer, that you have originally installed.

Why do we do this? It takes time and effort to test all of the software in the SQL Anywhere package. Periodically we have customers that only use the database server (and related client software) that need a fix quickly. In these cases if we are unable to schedule the testing of the entire package within a short timeframe we will choose to post a "SA component only" EBF.

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answered 05 Apr '13, 14:10

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

The "all components" EBF will update all of the software, older and newer, that you have originally installed.

So given I would have installed the "all components" EBF from the sample list above and then would have installed the 2811 "SA only" EBF. From your description that would leave the other components on 2745.

Say, lateron I want to update the other components, and there are no newer "all components" EBFs than 2753: Could I apply that older "all components" EBF over 2811 here (and if so, would SA components stay on 2811 or go back to 2753?) - or would it tell me that a newer EBF is already installed? (That's what I'm used to on Windows.)

(05 Apr '13, 16:11) Volker Barth
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Applying 2753 "All Components" after 27532811 "SA only" would leave you with all components at 2753. I.e. last one wins on Unix. The Windows installer uses newest (or higher number) wins.

(05 Apr '13, 16:15) Mark Culp

@Mark: Sorry, are there too many 2753s in your description?

(05 Apr '13, 16:40) Volker Barth

Arrg, too many numbers and not paying enough attention to what I am writing. I have corrected my response - it took me three tries. Thanks for noticing ;-)

(05 Apr '13, 18:52) Mark Culp

If you click on the icon next to each download, you'll see the README that lists the categories of fixes that are included with each patch.

In general, the EBFs marked 'SA Components Only' are missing the MobiLink and UltraLite fixes - these components will remain on the previous build that was installed. All other components will be updated with the usual cumulative fixes.

And what do I need to do if I have applied such an EBF and need to update other components, and there's no newer EBF with all components?

You will need to request a new EBF through your technical support plan with Sybase/SAP, or wait until a new EBF version is available with all of the components.

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answered 05 Apr '13, 14:01

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 05 Apr '13, 14:03

Ah, I missed the fitting documentaion via the particular readmes - I guess that's because the separate SQL Anywhere Monitor EBFs for Windows seem to use the normal EBFs (at least within the EBF download page)...

(05 Apr '13, 16:05) Volker Barth
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question asked: 05 Apr '13, 13:16

question was seen: 3,371 times

last updated: 05 Apr '13, 18:55