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In an older Windows setup, the according EBF readme does include some topics on SQL Remote, as seen in this screenshot:

Screenshot from v12.0.1.3324

However, newer EBFs (e.g. and newer) do not contain any references on SQL Remote (not even the new HTTP message system, introduced in - to be correct: There's one filed under "MobiLink - SA Client" dealing with both techonoligies (CR #670360).

I'd be happy if the SQL Remote section could be added back:)

asked 18 Sep '12, 06:54

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

BTW, the exact wording "for Adaptive Server Anywhere" seems rather anachronistic years after the product has been re-renamed to SQL Anywhere in v10...

(18 Sep '12, 07:42) Volker Barth

That's odd. If I generate the readme with the same process I thought we used for the ones we post to the web site, I get the SQL Remote new features and bug fixes, and they say "SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere". I'm looking into it.

(18 Sep '12, 09:52) Reg Domaratzki

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Our automated process to generate Readmes for the EBFs we post wasn't changed when we switched from using "SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Anywhere" to "SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere". It has now been fixed, and the next EBF will have a readme file with the SQL Remote fixes in it.

I've attached what the current v1201 build 3769 EBF Readme should look like. It's generated using a slightly different interface, but it should contain the same data.

permanent link

answered 18 Sep '12, 15:25

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 19 Sep '12, 10:33

FWIW, is there a chance to post the current list (say, for of these "SQL Remote for SQL Anywhere" CRs here? Or is a fresh EBF about to come (as far as you can tell about coming release dates)?

(19 Sep '12, 10:23) Volker Barth
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I edited my answer to include the readme as an attachment.

(19 Sep '12, 10:51) Reg Domaratzki

That's a great service! Thanks, Reg.

(19 Sep '12, 12:03) Volker Barth
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question asked: 18 Sep '12, 06:54

question was seen: 3,055 times

last updated: 19 Sep '12, 12:03