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I recently dug up a very old SQL Anywhere database. I have it installed and it kind of works, its only the distributed side of the data, so everythings running via dbeng50 and ODBC.

I would like to migrate this data to MySQL. Is there a way to do this? I attempted to view the data using an ODBC tool but I kept getting error messages saying the ODBC driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior. I guess the database is too old (its from 1997).

Its also difficult to find the old SQL tools that would help me access these.

Is it possible to use the .db file with a newer version?

Any help or guidance at all would be appreciated.

asked 28 Aug '12, 17:19

Akshat's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 18:26

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

You should be able to migrate this database using the tools in the latest version of SQL Anywhere, which is version 12. A free developer edition is available here:

Once you get the newest developer edition, complete instructions on upgrading the database are located here:

Perhaps you will find that SQL Anywhere version 12 will solve all your needs, and you won't need to do any additional migration work!

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answered 29 Aug '12, 16:08

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

You should be able to use this database file with database servers up to version 9.0.2. Version 5.x.x also has a utility dbunload.exe to extract the data and schema from that database.

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answered 29 Aug '12, 05:19

Hartmut%20Branz's gravatar image

Hartmut Branz
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 Aug '12, 17:19

question was seen: 3,649 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 18:26