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In Ubuntu 11.04 (32-bit) I was able to load Sybase Central after installing all the ia32-libs. However I am now trying to install Sybase Central in another box (Windows 7-64bit) using Ubuntu 12.04 but don't seem to find a similar package available via "apt-get install".

It could be that I missed to select any specific option when I installed the version.

Is there any specific set of libraries that I can install (similar to the ia32-libs) to enable Sybase Central? Or is there another way to have the available for 64-bit boxes?

asked 28 May '12, 18:09

Derli%20Marcochi's gravatar image

Derli Marcochi
accept rate: 33%

edited 01 Jun '12, 11:04

Make sure you have the "universe" repository enabled. We haven't had a chance to test 12.04 yet, but we do have plans to do so shortly.

If you still can't find the ia32-libs package, this post might be of use to you:

--- UPDATE ---

I was able to install a fresh copy of Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on a VM using the desktop CD. I let it download all of the updated packages at the time of installation. I then opened up a console and ran:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

I was presented with a long list of libraries and confirmation to install it, so the ia32-libs package exists, for me at least. However, I didn't actually install the package because I wanted a minimal set of packages for SA admin tools. I installed SA with no problems, and, after some trial and error, I had both Sybase Central and dbisql running.

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0:i386 libxext6:i386 libxtst6:i386 libxi6:i386

The following packages are installed as dependencies:

gcc-4.6-base:i386 libc6:i386 libelf1:i386 libffi6:i386 libgcc1:i386 libpcre3:i386 libselinux1:i386 zlib1g:i386 libx11-6:i386 libxau6:i386 libxcb1:i386 libxdmcp6:i386

Note that I used If you have more than 4 GB of memory on your computer, you will need that build (or later) on Ubuntu 12.04 due to a bug with how we handled the 3.0 (in this case 3.2) kernel.

permanent link

answered 29 May '12, 09:43

Phil%20Mitchell's gravatar image

Phil Mitchell
accept rate: 27%

edited 31 May '12, 13:31

Thanks Phil! I would prefer not to have 32-bit libs installed (if possible) to avoid any side effects on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Is there any plans on having a true 64-lib package shipped in a future EBF ?

(29 May '12, 10:21) Derli Marcochi
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The administration tools are 32-bit only, except on Windows and Mac OS X. 64-bit support was required on Windows due to the separate 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC managers, and on Mac due to Apple's change in JRE support. Unless there's a very strong need to do so, we generally would not make this sort of change in an EBF.

We are currently in the process of re-evaluating our platform support for the next major release, which has not yet been announced, so I cannot give more details.

(29 May '12, 10:35) Phil Mitchell
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Thanks Phil for the clarification.

(31 May '12, 07:46) Derli Marcochi
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I'll try to put together a list of required packages today. If you want to try to work it out on your own, just try starting Sybase Central. If you get an error message about a missing library, search apt for the package that contains that library.

For Fedora, at least, we install glibc.i686, PackageKit-gtk-module.i686, gtk2-engines-2.18.4-4.i686, libcanberra-gtk2-0.22-1.i686, and gdk-pixbuf2-devel.i686.

(31 May '12, 10:04) Phil Mitchell

I have updated my answer with the minimal set of packages required to get the admin tools working.

(31 May '12, 13:26) Phil Mitchell

Thanks Phil! I hadn't realized that scjview was only available from the bin32 folder even in a 64-bit box (my bad). So after running apt-get install for the libraries you indicated, I am now able to load Sybase Central and dbisql from a terminal window without issues.
I still couldn't figure out how to have them loaded via desktop entries created by gnome as below. Any suggestion?

(31 May '12, 21:07) Derli Marcochi
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I didn't have any problem launching from the icons. I clicked on Dash, typed "Sybase" in the search bar, and clicked on the "Sybase Central" icon. Sybase Central opened.

If you run /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/scjview, you will need to first source /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32/ You can avoid that step by running /opt/sqlanywhere12/bin32s/scjview. The Exec line for the icon should be running the latter (for me it is).

(01 Jun '12, 13:59) Phil Mitchell

Both Sybase Central and dbisql are loading fine from the desktop icons. THANKS!!

What is the difference between starting programs from the /opt/sqlanywhere/bin32 and from the bin32s folders? I am working with an issue with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I was wondering if those issues can be also related to the same concept.

(01 Jun '12, 17:41) Derli Marcochi
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The files in bin32s (and bin64s) are shell scripts. They first source the then run the binary with the same name from the corresponding bin32/bin64 directory.

(04 Jun '12, 10:43) Phil Mitchell

Thanks @Phil!

(04 Jun '12, 13:17) Derli Marcochi
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question asked: 28 May '12, 18:09

question was seen: 5,901 times

last updated: 04 Jun '12, 13:17