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New to sybase and trying to setup a client machine to connect to a remote ASE v16 database server. Coming from a MSSQL world looking for admin tools to run queries against databases etc. From reading ISQL and SQL central look like the tools to do the job. On windows the client installs fine and I can run it, when trying to install SQLAnywhere17 client on Ubuntu I cannot find a way to run up the GUI, from reading the doco a binary called "dbisql" and should be available which I cannot find after the install in /opt/sqlanywhere17 directory also cannot find binary for SQL Central GUI. I have only installed the 64bit sqlanywhere components, reviewed the logs install happens without errors and seems to be all there, probably not understanding how it fits together.

Any help appreciated.

Download file location: sqlanywhere:Linux x86 and x64

asked 26 Sep '15, 21:42

luka's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Just to clarify, as you relate both to ASE v16 and SQL Anywhere 17: These are different database products from SAP (fermerly Sabase). Are you really trying to use SQL Anywhere as a client to run against an ASE database?

(28 Sep '15, 03:23) Volker Barth
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question asked: 26 Sep '15, 21:42

question was seen: 1,880 times

last updated: 28 Sep '15, 03:23