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I wanted to try out running sql anywhere on amazon cloud services. When setting up the firewall, i find that amazon only has preconfigured application ports available, and no sybase products are listed. MS SQL Server and MySQL both are, but neither sql anywhere nor ASE are listed.

Does anyone know if this intentional and the limit to what the sybase product offering will be on amazon?

asked 08 Jun '10, 13:15

Mike's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Although there is no pre-configured entry in the Amazon Console for SQL Anywhere, you can manually open any port range that you like. If you choose the "Custom" entry in the AWS Management Console, you choose the range that will be opened up. By default the SQL Anywhere server starts on port 2638. However, since this is not guaranteed, you will want to explicitly specify which port your database is running on at startup. You can do this using the -x switch.

For example, to force the server to start on 2638 you can use:

dbsrv11 -x tcpip(port=2638) mydatabase.db

Then, open up custom port range (PROTOCOL=TCP, FROM=2638, TO=2638, SOURCE=

More information can be found at

permanent link

answered 11 Jun '10, 20:14

Eric%20Farrar's gravatar image

Eric Farrar
accept rate: 30%

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question asked: 08 Jun '10, 13:15

question was seen: 3,610 times

last updated: 11 Jun '10, 20:14