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Our model has been to install SQL Anywhere on the customer's server and then install our application on the user's desktops.

We are considering using the same setup on a server we host or host in the "cloud" and either allowing the users Remote Desktop access or publishing the application with something like Citrix.

Do you or anyone you know host applications in this way or anything like this? I'm looking for pointers, use this not that, "Best Practices," horror stories, etc.

I have looked at many providers of hosting, application publishers, and articles on the subject but without the experience it is hard to both evaluate "apples to apples" and separate the marketing/hype from real performance.

(We could also rewrite the application to be completely web-based, but the above is hypothetically something we could setup immediately while a rewrite would be a time-consuming undertaking. )

I would appreciate any thoughts or comments.

asked 18 Nov '10, 20:11

Siger%20Matt's gravatar image

Siger Matt
accept rate: 15%

We do this, actually. We're based in Columbus, OH, and use a company (also local here) called VOS (Virtual Office Systems). Basically, they use virtualized Citrix servers. Works fairly well (see my other question about licensing, as it pertains to this type of setup).
Not sure what other information I can provide (they do all the 'publishing' of the applications once they are installed, so I can't really comment on that part). From our point of view, its been fabulous because we've been able to get rid of some replicating sites.

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answered 19 Nov '10, 02:43

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen
accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 18 Nov '10, 20:11

question was seen: 2,240 times

last updated: 19 Nov '10, 02:43