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Is it possible to licence, install and run Windows dbsrv17.exe on Amazon AWS / EC2 / Lambda to provide full client server database (-x TCPIP) and web (-xs HTTP) access over the internet?

asked 10 Jul '17, 15:54

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 12 Jul '17, 11:21

Comment Text Removed

> 2. I think opening the DB (-x TCPIP) over the Internet is dangerous...

Yes, but... no more or less than HTTP, methinks, given the vast array of possible attacks (SQL injection, XSS, and so on)... not a lot of news items mentioning direct attacks against proprietary DBMS protocols.

Nevertheless, care must be taken, perhaps involving this Help topic: How to establish a client connection by using transport layer security.

(12 Jul '17, 15:38) Breck Carter

> 1b. 10 concurrent DB users will allow you to server > 100-1000 active web users.

For the sake of simplicity, assume a vanishingly small number of TCPIP client server connections for administration and development, and a larger number of HTTP connections for end user traffic. Also assume dbsrv17.exe is the only significant server-side executable; no separate application servers, no separate web servers, no load balancers, no relay servers, no unicorn farms...

...and let's leave connection pooling out of the discussion for the moment, lest my head explode :)

(12 Jul '17, 15:52) Breck Carter

If this was Walldorf, your comment might sound like a leak from inside SAP :)

(12 Jul '17, 16:08) Breck Carter
Comment Text Removed

Just to add: With v17.0.4 and above, you can use client certificates with TLS, making it probably more difficult for undesired client connections because they need to identify themselves, too...

(13 Jul '17, 01:32) Volker Barth

> A typical application has tens or even hundreds DB executions per single step.

A typical application?

That would be Number 37 in How To Make SQL Anywhere Slow: Send lots of small requests across a high latency network...

...possibly the result of Number 21 Do joins in the application.

...or Number 22 Move WHERE clause logic into the application.

By this logic, because drunk drivers crash and die, nobody should drive cars :)

(13 Jul '17, 09:32) Breck Carter

No offense is intended by this question or the resulting discussion, but here's a suggestion just in case :)...

(15 Jul '17, 09:47) Breck Carter
Replies hidden

In case anyone's wondering what happened here, apparently you can delete other people's replies by first converting your own comment to a reply, which you can then delete... that shows real ...discipline?

Well, it shows something :)... read this in reverse order:

Delete Vlad comment on Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? 1 hour ago

Vlad was awarded the Disciplined badge 1 hour ago

Delete Vlad comment on Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? 1 hour ago

Delete Vlad answer on Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? 1 hour ago

Delete Vlad answer on Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? 1 hour ago

Vlad converted comment on your question Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? into an answer 1 hour ago

Vlad converted comment on your question Is it possible to licence and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? into an answer 1 hour ago

(15 Jul '17, 10:16) Breck Carter

...not sure if the technique to "delete other people's replies" works perfectly, possibly due to bugs in the forum software, but hey, let's pile on anyway :)...

(15 Jul '17, 10:34) Breck Carter
showing 2 of 8 show all flat view

Perhaps Grace Hopper had the answer: "If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission."

After all, that's where this forum came from... not SAP, not Sybase, but DIY :)

permanent link

answered 13 Jul '17, 09:08

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 13 Jul '17, 09:19

Yes, currently it feels like us customers, we're doing (fine?) all on our own...

(13 Jul '17, 09:55) Volker Barth
from:  Ito, Sawa
date:   Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 3:30 AM
subject: Your question on SAP Community - Is it possible to license and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS? -

Hello Breck-san,

I hope you remember my name, Sawa Ito, I was in charge of publishing your book 
  in Japan long time ago.

Since I am not an engineer, I don’t understand everything you write, but I love  
  your SQL Anywhere blogs.

I am sorry that I had not checked your post for a while and had not noticed it,  
  with SQL Anywhere tag which is used in Japanese community for a while.

Is it possible to license and run SQL Anywhere on Amazon AWS?

Since the primary tag “SQL Anywhere” you chose is for a Japanese community, I am  
  thinking of changing the primary tag to “SAP SQL Anywhere”, which is used in  
  English community, but just wanted to confirm if you had any intention to use  
  “SQL Anywhere” for your post.

Answering your question, just recently we had an interesting internal communication  
  that a head of Global OEM sales asked a question about a support of SQL Anywhere  
  on the cloud. Brian Vink answered that:

>SQL Anywhere is supported in on-premise, virtualized or cloud environments – as long  
  as the base OS being used is a platform supported by SQLA.  So, for example,  
  if someone wanted to run an Amazon instance of a Windows 10 machine and run SQLA on it,  
  we will support it. 

Back to the licensing…. Yes. Customers can run SQL Anywhere on AWS with BYOL.

Since SQL Anywhere can control how many cores to use, if a customer chose to buy “core”  
  based license model, customer can only buy number of cores they want to use with  
  SQL Anywhere. But the minimum number of cores to order is 4 cores (per SQL Anywhere server).

If a customer chose “named user” license model, for example 5 users package, then  
  customer can use one server on AWS and 5 users can access to the server.

But if a customer, say partner would like to provide cloud service to their customer,  
  they would need some kind of partner agreement, such as OEM agreement with ASP schedule.  
  The way of counting the license might be different.

Best regards,
Sawa Ito @SAP Japan
permanent link

answered 27 Jul '17, 09:05

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Thanks for sharing that answer, Breck-san:)

(27 Jul '17, 13:02) Volker Barth
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question asked: 10 Jul '17, 15:54

question was seen: 3,809 times

last updated: 27 Jul '17, 13:02