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Using a Licensed, dbinit now says "the Evaluation Period has Expired", so I can't create a new db

Same with Sybase Central

Is this possible ? it was a "Trial" Version, from 2014, but we since have purchased licenses

Any help appreicated !


PS One posts suggests uninstall / re-install, to clear any Trial Keys

asked 09 Nov '19, 18:29

Gregory%20Durniak's gravatar image

Gregory Durniak
accept rate: 0%

What result do you get if you run dblic.exe against dbsrv16.lic / dbeng16.lic? That will tell you what licence your installation thinks it has.

(10 Nov '19, 05:35) Justin Willey

To add: If your current install is still a Developer Edition, you should be able to turn it into a purchased edition via dblic -k <yourregistrationkey>...

(10 Nov '19, 07:04) Volker Barth

Fortunately, we have Anywhere 16 installed on another machine, so I was able to CREATE a new DB there

In Sybase Central, the Server Properties do show a License, on both machines

Just good to know this is not an "End Of Life" bug


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answered 10 Nov '19, 08:20

Gregory%20Durniak's gravatar image

Gregory Durniak
accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Nov '19, 09:08


It seems you just need to apply your license key to the machine that you are having issues with.

(10 Nov '19, 08:51) Justin Willey

So have you tried anything of the suggested ideas?

(10 Nov '19, 12:24) Volker Barth
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dblic does show a license. We will try re-installing. No longer an emergency

(11 Nov '19, 02:52) Gregory Durniak
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question asked: 09 Nov '19, 18:29

question was seen: 1,849 times

last updated: 16 Dec '19, 02:44