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Currently we are using Sybase SQL Anywhere version 8. However we are not sure which edition (OEM, Workgroup, Standard or Advanced) of SQL Anywhere is used. Is there a way to determine the SQL Anywhere edition?

Any help is much appreciated

Thanks, dilip sg

asked 14 Aug '13, 05:54

dilip%20sg's gravatar image

dilip sg
accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Aug '13, 07:25

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

IIRC the editions Workgroup, Standard, Advanced were introduced with SQL Anywhere 11. Starting with that version, you may retrvieve the server edition with

select Property ('ServerEdition')

How to check for an OEM version I can't seem to find.

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answered 14 Aug '13, 06:50

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

The different editions have been introduced with 11.0.1, to be precise, so with SQL Anywhere 8, there's no such distinction (except for the OEM edition).

Querying the "ServerEdition" property on older versions will return NULL.

AFAIK, older OEM versions should reveal themselves within the starting messages in the console log. I do not know whether they show different values for the following properties in contrast to non-OEM editions:

select property('ProductName') || ' - ' || property('ProductVersion');
(14 Aug '13, 07:24) Volker Barth

If you open a command prompt in win32 (where dbsrv8 is located) you should be able to determine the edition by running: dblic dbsrv8.exe

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answered 14 Aug '13, 08:18

Mikel%20Rychliski's gravatar image

Mikel Rychliski
accept rate: 34%

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question asked: 14 Aug '13, 05:54

question was seen: 3,923 times

last updated: 14 Aug '13, 08:18