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Do SQL Anywhere Licenses transfer when there is a change in ownership at a company?

For instance, if we have an internal application written in Sybase SQL Anywhere and another company purchases our company, are they entitled to use the same Sybase license that we purchased for the internal application or do they need to buy another one? I guess the question is - is it the machine that is licenses or the company? When you set up the server it asks for company name. Can this be changed and assigned to another company if someone purchases your company. We wrote some a custom application for a small company and they are asking us about the Sybase license they purchased to run our application. I looked at their license agreement that comes with SQL Anywhere and it really doesn't mention assignability.

asked 13 Oct '17, 09:48

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question asked: 13 Oct '17, 09:48

question was seen: 4,972 times

last updated: 13 Oct '17, 09:48