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Hello everybody,

I have a quick question, which most likely sounds trivial to you, but which we can not figure out.

One of our customers bought some SQL Anywhere licenses (server core's + remote clients) from SAP and now we do not know where we can download the license keys required. SAP Service Marketplace? Can you give us a hint where we can get them?

Thanks for your help and best regards, Alex

asked 04 Jul '17, 02:13

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Alexander Ilg
accept rate: 50%


AFAIK, you need to go to the SAP Support Portal, which offers a "License Keys" topic.

(04 Jul '17, 04:00) Volker Barth

Your customer should have received a mail with a subject like 'Download letter for order xxx - SAP Contract No yyy' containing the credentials giving access to the support portal. The user id (aka S-ID) and password are needed to log into the 'SAP ONE Support Launchpad'

(04 Jul '17, 05:43) Reimer Pods
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question asked: 04 Jul '17, 02:13

question was seen: 3,611 times

last updated: 04 Jul '17, 05:43