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If I open the SQL Anywhere Cockpit from (within) SQL Central by right clicking the server name and choosing Open SQL Anywhere Cockpit, the browser opens with this address: http://[fe80::1]:49153/sqlacockpit

This doesn't work. But it works by replacing the string [fe80::1] with localhost (or IP address). Am I missing a setting somewhere, Otherwise, hopefully this will be corrected in a future version of SQL Anywhere.

Java 1.8, OS X 10.11.5

Best regards, Robert

asked 07 Jul '16, 04:38

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accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jul '16, 04:39

We had noticed some Web Browsers (specifically Chrome was identified here) may redirect/forward the IPV6 Localhost IP-address to the proxy address. Your report may be the same issue.

Which version and build of SQL Central and SQL Anywhere Plug-in are you using?

If you are using the 17.0.0 GA build (1063 I believe) you should test again with a newer EBF/SP for this. Engineering change 786123 causes SQL Central to favour and IPV4 address when available and could correct for this issue; even if for a different reason. That change is available in any posted EBF after (but not including) the released product.

(07 Jul '16, 11:30) Nick Elson S...
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question asked: 07 Jul '16, 04:38

question was seen: 1,667 times

last updated: 07 Jul '16, 11:30