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This general question has come up based on that FAQ by Justin:

If an older SQL Anywhere database can be run unchanged on a newer SQL Anywhere engine (say, a v10 or v12 database can run on a v16 engine), does that also mean the database file can later be run on the older original engine, too (so it's compatible both "upwards and backwards")?

I.e. if I run an older database file on a newer engine and neither do a rebuild nor an upgrade, is it guaranteed (ignoring possible software bugs) that this will not impact the ability of the database file to run on the older engine?

I always thought so, but possibly these are two different facets.

(Even is the answer is true, it's certainly important to do a proper backup before trying to use the newer version, apparently.)

I'm relating to major versions here, not different EBFs/SPs or different maintenance release versions.

asked 24 Feb '16, 06:40

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Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Unless you rebuild or, otherwise, upgrade the database file structures remain the older version and you should be able to switch back to the original version of the software at any point. That is a design point of the product (much like platform independence of the database files) and barring unforseen circumstances (like a bug or corruption) should be behaviour you can expect.

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answered 24 Feb '16, 08:50

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

OK, thanks, that meets my expectation:)

(which is another fine "design point of the product", as far as I can tell...)

(24 Feb '16, 08:56) Volker Barth

Yes - it's an excellent feature, which greatly helps in mitigating risk when upgrading.

(24 Feb '16, 13:13) Justin Willey
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question asked: 24 Feb '16, 06:40

question was seen: 1,636 times

last updated: 24 Feb '16, 13:13