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I'm curious to know; if your query tool had a feature to search your entire SQL Anywhere database for specific data, would you use it? For example, you wanted to see every table and every row that contained the word "John" (in any column).


asked 10 Feb '16, 12:38

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Brad Wery
accept rate: 0%

I assume that you require the so-called "Full Text Search" feature, but I am afraid that in theory you have to build indexes for all tables that you want to scan.
What is the business requirement for your task? E.g. have you tried to use a 3rd-party index servers that can build indexes for whatever you want?

(11 Feb '16, 03:05) Vlad
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Vlad, AFAIK Brad wants to know whether others would have a need for such a tool, he is in the query tool market, cf. his user page.

(11 Feb '16, 03:55) Volker Barth

Oops, I didn't understand his question probably... My fault. Now I am curious how will a possible implementation look like - a dynamic query builder, or indexes for all tables in the same place :)

(11 Feb '16, 03:57) Vlad

Volker is right, I'm wondering if there is a need for this type of utility. If there is, I would look into creating it. At the moment, I'm not exactly sure what the implementation would look like. I would need to investigate possible techniques.

(11 Feb '16, 10:30) Brad Wery
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question asked: 10 Feb '16, 12:38

question was seen: 2,093 times

last updated: 11 Feb '16, 10:30