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There are two "SAP store" websites, one which returns "No solutions" when you search for SQL Anywhere, and the other offers only one item, a single client license.

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asked 24 Jun '15, 09:19

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 24 Jun '15, 11:47

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The link from the SCN SQL Anywhere home page to the SAP Store uses a different syntax for the search but with the same "No solutions" result... - click on "SAP SQL Anywhere"...

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Resulting search on SAP+SQL+Anywhere...

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permanent link

answered 24 Jun '15, 09:37

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 24 Jun '15, 09:39

I'm sure someone will suggest that there is a tutorial how to do so (and sadly, I'd currently say there is need for such a usually easy task) - but note, in the, there's the following choice to be made (way down on the page) - so you are allowed able to buy a server license, too...:

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answered 24 Jun '15, 10:15

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Yes, you are correct... the 3rd and 4th radio buttons offer actual products. Not the top-end editions, but actual software nonetheless.

Some time ago I chatted with SAP about the site, with the following discouraging result (which is contradicted by your positive discovery)...

The SAP store link for SQL Anywhere does not contain anything but a client license.

When I asked "where do I find SAP SQL Anywhere in the SAP Store?" in the chat window, I got this...

Kimberly: Breck, from my experience I don't think this i sold in the store. However please hold while I look into this for you.

Kimberly: Based on the changes we have made this is no longer sold in our store. What we do offer in the store is the add-on license that allows one user to access the database server which you saw for $195.

(24 Jun '15, 11:05) Breck Carter
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...which is contradicted by your positive discovery...

Yes, personally I'd treat it as a "discovery", too. But I don't feel that it's all too positive when an online shop requires some kind of discovery to find a product with a known name...

The SAP website certainly doesn't follow the Watcom Rule. Sigh.

(24 Jun '15, 11:46) Volker Barth

Based on Breck's further experiences, I'm tempted to think that not only forums have their nannies, stores do have them, as well: "We don't want you to get confused by too many options, boy!"

Honestly, if not all SQL Anywhere editions are available in the shop (only the Workgroup Edition is currently), the according page should tell so and should hint to the available sales channels.

(29 Jun '15, 07:35) Volker Barth

Many enterprises have the same unspoken motto: "We're not happy until you're not happy!" :)

(29 Jun '15, 09:21) Breck Carter
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question asked: 24 Jun '15, 09:19

question was seen: 2,637 times

last updated: 29 Jun '15, 09:22