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I have a customer that have SQL studio version 9 installed, and his clients have SQL Anywhere Deployment, and the customer wants to move to SQL Anywhere 16, so what type and license of SQL Anywhere does he needs? Thanks!

asked 09 Jun '15, 09:27

barhoum99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '15, 11:31

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Note: "SQL Anywhere Deployment" is not a "license type", it's just a technical means to supply a machine with a certain kind of installation - you need the required (client) licenses to do so...

(10 Jun '15, 03:30) Volker Barth

You haven't provided enough information for anyone to give you a good answer. Your best bet would be to contact SAP sales and have a conversation with them about your (and your customers) requirements.


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answered 09 Jun '15, 13:36

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%

The customer have an application on Powerbuilder, and he sends the data to the clients so that they can do some reports (note that the clients do not manipulate the info, just reading the info for reporting). I hope that this is clear enough to give an answer.

(10 Jun '15, 01:14) barhoum99
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he sends the data to the clients

What does that mean? Do both the customer and his clients have a SQL Anywhere database in-place and exchange data between both?

(10 Jun '15, 03:32) Volker Barth

That is Correct!

(10 Jun '15, 03:56) barhoum99
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The simplest answer I can give is that every machine where there is a SQL Anywhere server running needs to have a license.

If the customer is redistributing SQL Anywhere to their customers, then they need to speak to the SAP OEM team as an OEM agreement is required to do this.

If the customer is simply requiring that their customer purchase SQL Anywhere, then the edition of SQL Anywhere that they need depends on their requirements. The various editions are described here:

(11 Jun '15, 11:32) Jason Hinspe...
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question asked: 09 Jun '15, 09:27

question was seen: 2,159 times

last updated: 11 Jun '15, 11:32