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Good Day. Our environment has a production database server, and a backup server that is sometimes used for training & testing. We are upgrading from version 10 to version 16, and I'm struggling with licensing. I purchased two CPU licenses, with the intent of having two virtual machines, each configured with a single 2-core vCPU.

In the SAP support portal, I provided the information to create a system and the SAP web site assigned both CPU licenses to it and generated an installation key. Does that mean I can go ahead and create the two VM's as described above and use the same installation key on both? My search efforts on the customer portal didn't turn up anything useful, other than maybe I will need to use the dblic utility after the fact to limit the server to 1 CPU.

Thanks in advance

asked 25 Jun '14, 09:27

BudDurland's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assuming everything was done correctly in the portal, you can use the same key for both server installations.

Without actually seeing your entitlements, I can't say whether or not you will need to change the licensing on your servers with the dblic utility.

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answered 25 Jun '14, 12:25

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%


"Assuming everything was done correctly in the portal"

Yeah. The SAP portal is pretty much one of the most frustrating web sites I have ever had to use. Many circular links, not much help, and little ability to focus on my products. I think I did it right, but I'm not sure. I have an open "incident" with SAP to confirm.

(25 Jun '14, 12:36) BudDurland
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one of the most frustrating web sites I have ever had to use

I fully agree, and I would prefer not to use it in its current state, but apparently we will "have to use" it anyway...

We still do not understand what has become of our formerly SPDC products/licenses in the new SAP "Systems" overview. Yes, we'll have to check some tutorials, thank you very much:)

(25 Jun '14, 17:59) Volker Barth
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question asked: 25 Jun '14, 09:27

question was seen: 1,708 times

last updated: 25 Jun '14, 17:59