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A client of ours has purchased two cpu license version of Sybase ASA 12. Only one of the license keys were added at installation time. How can we add the additional license key using dblic?

Running dblic "c:\Program Files\Sybase 12\Bin32\dbsrv12.lic" results: SQL Anywhere Server Licensing Utility Version License Read Successfully. Workgroup Edition Licensed processor: 1 User: XXXX Company: YYYY Install key: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

We have tried: Dblic -l processor -u 2 dbsrv12.exe YYY XXXX

asked 29 Oct '13, 20:16

Datagaard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Oct '13, 04:15

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods


I don't know whether a license key is different from a registration key, the latter would be used with the -k option, i.e.

DBLIC -k <theKey> "%SQLANY12%\bin32\dbrsv12.exe"
(30 Oct '13, 05:44) Volker Barth
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Does "dblic -l processor -u 2 dbsrv12.lic YYY XXXX" work?

(30 Oct '13, 08:05) Mikel Rychliski
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IMHO Mikel identified the issue: previous versions wrote the licence data to the EXE file. But modifying executables could be misinterpreted as viral behavior, so SA 12.0.1 uses a separate LIC file (which applies also to Volker's comment).

(30 Oct '13, 09:06) Reimer Pods

Hi Mikel,

No this doesn't work

(05 Nov '13, 18:26) Datagaard
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Hi Volker,

All this does is change the license key, not add an additional one.

(05 Nov '13, 19:23) Datagaard

Hi Datagaard,

Not sure why this isn't working. Please feel free to contact Sybase technical support (1-800-8SYBASE) and let them know you are having difficulties applying your license.

(05 Nov '13, 19:32) Mikel Rychliski
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Have gotten a reply from Sybase Support.

Correct syntax for command is:

dblic -l processor -u 2 "c:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 12\Bin32\dbsrv12.lic" "User" "Company"

My bad, forgot to add the install path.

Restart of service is required for license to be applied.

permanent link

answered 17 Nov '13, 23:26

Datagaard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '13, 02:52

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

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question asked: 29 Oct '13, 20:16

question was seen: 6,904 times

last updated: 18 Nov '13, 02:52