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Hi, i am trying to consume an odata service provided by dbosrv16.exe. The provided example works, the service is accessible via browser and the example Visual Studio solution is running. But if i try to create a new VS project i do get an "Schema specified is not valid" error as soon as i add a servicereference.

i'm using SQL Anywhere 16.0 SP5 Build 1644 and Visual Studio 2012 Sp3

Was anyone already successful consuming the odata Service via Visual Studio.

asked 24 Oct '13, 03:43

Hagotech's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Oct '13, 04:10

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

This is a problem in our software that has been identified and is fixed. The fix will be available in a future service pack (but unfortunately I can't give you an exact date of when that will be available).

What are you trying to accomplish? If you are trying to just play around with our OData server and the visual studio tools, I may be able to help you create a database where this issue won't affect you.

permanent link

answered 24 Oct '13, 16:21

Matt%20Borges's gravatar image

Matt Borges
accept rate: 100%

We are trying to access our asa16 db via a webapplication created by Lightswitch/Silverlight.

It would be awesome if u can give me a hint how to create/change a database to work with VS.

(25 Oct '13, 02:49) Hagotech

Is it possible for you to send me an SQL file that will create your database? I don't need any actual data, just the schema.

(25 Oct '13, 11:18) Matt Borges

Our schema consist of about 500 tables. I think we just wait for the next service pack. Thanks for your help.

(28 Oct '13, 06:35) Hagotech
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question asked: 24 Oct '13, 03:43

question was seen: 2,366 times

last updated: 28 Oct '13, 06:35