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Any news on this?

I've tried to access the NNTP archives two days before in search of some older discussions, and now I've tried again, and all there is when using:

is a re-direction to

and the message:

There was an error processing your request.

There was a problem processing your request. The error has been logged, and the system administrators will look in to it as soon as possible.

Please press the back button to return to your previous page, or return to the home page.

Doomed to fail?

asked 06 Oct '13, 15:51

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 09 Oct '13, 07:57

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter


Still unavailable 15 hours later... not a good day in the server room.

(07 Oct '13, 07:46) Breck Carter

Still down...:(

(08 Oct '13, 03:17) Volker Barth

I'm getting the original "There was an error...", not the re-direction.

(08 Oct '13, 07:34) Breck Carter
Replies hidden

The error is not shown under the URL

(Though I'm more worried that the error does show up at all, and the archives are still unavailable, re-directed or not...)

(08 Oct '13, 08:13) Volker Barth

I still get the re-direction - I wonder if it depends where you come in from? But, as Volker says, the main point is that it's still down - typically at a time it would have been useful to me!

(08 Oct '13, 08:19) Justin Willey

I'm sorry, you're correct... I do get the redirection and THEN the error message, I didn't notice the URL changing...

(08 Oct '13, 09:56) Breck Carter

Yes, that's exactly what I get, too.

(08 Oct '13, 09:59) Volker Barth
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Just a note to let you know we are not ignoring you. We are looking into the problem and will let you know when we have any details.

permanent link

answered 09 Oct '13, 10:01

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%

Thanks for the feedback, Jason. So we'll wait and see.

However, in case the "looking into the problem" has already been done for a while (my original posting is from Sunday), it would be helpful if such a "We do care" posting would be sent rather immediately. I guess most comments here would have been superfluous then. (Yes, this hint is based on my experience that the postings in the forum are never ignored - which is really great and should not be taken for granted...)

(09 Oct '13, 10:15) Volker Barth

The site is back up. I don't know what was wrong. I e-mailed a bunch of people, things happened and now it is back up.

(09 Oct '13, 14:36) Jason Hinspe...
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question asked: 06 Oct '13, 15:51

question was seen: 2,431 times

last updated: 09 Oct '13, 15:06