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Can anyone recommend a good tool that we can use to extract documentation for our web services created through SQL Anywhere?
"create service xxxxxxx TYPE 'JSON' ..."

asked 17 Aug '14, 01:41

Liam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For most documentation generation needs, I would point you at the "Database Documentation" wizard in Sybase Central. However, that wizard does not include web services. I take it you might find it useful if the wizard reported on services?

Are there any other types of objects that would be useful for the wizard to generated docs for?

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answered 18 Aug '14, 17:14

Chris%20Irie%20%20SAP's gravatar image

Chris Irie SAP
accept rate: 0%

Chris, thank you. I did mention (and Eric did indicate that this was logged as a feature request) the need to selectively nominate certain object types to filter on at time of running the documentation wizard.

As an example, we publish a set of BI views that clients can use. I want to create a document for them to use as reference, comprising only of views, and only a subset (starting with vw_BI_...).

We ship product updates monthly, so it doesn't make sense to build the complete set and manually remove what we don't want.

Presently I'm using Crystal Reports and looking at SysTable and SysColumns (for the BI Views), but I like your wizard's presentation more and I was also hoping to be able to report on the parameters passed to the web services

(18 Aug '14, 21:00) Liam
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question asked: 17 Aug '14, 01:41

question was seen: 2,302 times

last updated: 18 Aug '14, 22:14