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Please... I need a consultant... i.e., someone to read the Help to me!

The dbmlsrv.mle file shows up after MobiLink syncs have run, and it's empty, and annoying...

This enticing message shows up in the dbmlsrv9.exe -o output...

Local file for remote synchronization logs: 'dbmlsrv.mle'

asked 19 Jun '13, 11:03

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 19 Jun '13, 11:04

What a pity that this feature is not covered in the MobiLink chapter in that (one and only) great book on SQL Anywhere 9 - I'd blame the author:)

(19 Jun '13, 12:22) Volker Barth
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Maybe you have no errors on remote :)

(20 Jun '13, 05:40) Marsel
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So it's only for errors? Is that documented somewhere? What qualifies as an "error"? ...enquiring minds want to know :)

(20 Jun '13, 07:19) Breck Carter

Yeah, that guy never wrote another book, what does that say about him? :)

(20 Jun '13, 07:21) Breck Carter

@Marsel: yup, you're right :)

(20 Jun '13, 15:12) Breck Carter

Cf. this v10.0.1 doc page:

With no -e option, error logs from SQL Anywhere MobiLink clients are stored in a file named mlsrv10.mle. The -e option instructs the MobiLink server to store the error logs in the named file. By default, dbmlsync sends, on the occurrence of an error on the remote site, up to 32 kilobytes of remote log messages to a MobiLink server.

This option provides centralized access to remote error logs to help diagnose synchronization issues.

The amount of information delivered from a remote site can be controlled by the dbmlsync extended option ErrorLogSendLimit.

I'd think that this file is existing as soon as any client is syncing, and would only be filled in case of sync errors... - No consulting, just wild guessing:)

permanent link

answered 20 Jun '13, 07:37

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Thank you, Volker, you're hired :)

The SQL Anywhere 9 Help is only available in Compiled HTML format, and that returns "no results" when you search on "dbmlsrv9.mle".

It does, however, find this topic when you search on just "mle"...

MobiLink Administration Guide 
  MobiLink Synchronization Server Options 
    MobiLink synchronization server 
      dbmlsrv9 options 
        -e option

...which says the same thing, albeit with a different file names in version 9: dbmlsrv9.exe and dbmlsrv.mle.

(20 Jun '13, 15:10) Breck Carter
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Well, back in v9, the file is simply named "dbmlsrv.mle" - you might try that as search topic:)

To read out the v10 help (from "What's New in Version 10.0.0 / MobiLink /... / Miscellaneous MobiLink behavior changes"):

The following file names have changed:

Old file name New file name
dbmlsrv.mle mlsrv10.mle

(21 Jun '13, 04:31) Volker Barth

That was a speling misteak in my comment. I did try searching the V9 Help on both dbmlsrv.mle and "dbmlsrv.mle" and both times it said "No topics found"... even though that exact string existed in the dbmlsrv9.exe -e topic.

...a limitation of Compiled HTML Help methinks.

(21 Jun '13, 09:45) Breck Carter
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question asked: 19 Jun '13, 11:03

question was seen: 1,694 times

last updated: 21 Jun '13, 09:45