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Hi All, I am new to Sybase. My team provided me two files file_xyz.db and file_xyz.log. My job is to get database structure (schema, tables structures) and extract data from file_xyz.db. I have installed Sybase Central 6.1.0 (a client program i guess) on my machine and when I tried to connect it to the file_xyz.db with default username :DBA and password: SQL it is showing "invalid file DSN". Am I doing something wrong. Please suggest.

asked 22 May '13, 05:59

maverick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 May '13, 07:36

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

You need to connect to a running database server, you don't "read" the db file directly - it's a client server system.

If you have Sybase Central 6.1.0 you probably have a v12 database file. I suggest you have a look at Getting started with SQL Anywhere Server which explains how to start the database engine and then connect to it.

If you still have problems then re-post here.

permanent link

answered 22 May '13, 06:20

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 22 May '13, 05:59

question was seen: 5,793 times

last updated: 22 May '13, 07:36