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we are using sql anywhere 11.x and mobilink with -x option . it generates lot of log files while in sync whereas in sql ver 10.x renaming of the log files occurs only once until the mobilink remote restarted again... is there any behavioral change in ver 11.x?


asked 06 Jan '13, 21:52

vhm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '13, 20:43

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Please provide your full MobiLink start-line and exact version of MobiLink you are running. (e.g.

(07 Jan '13, 10:05) Jeff Albion

Do you mean "mobilink with -x option" or "dbmlsync with -x option"?

When you say "log files", are you referring to the transaction log associated with the database file, or the output logs generated by dbmlsync/mobilink?

(07 Jan '13, 11:08) Reg Domaratzki


I am referring to dbmlsync with -x option rename the log files associated with database file .

(07 Jan '13, 20:07) vhm

I can't think of any behaviour change that would increase the frequency with which transaction logs are renamed from v10 to v11.

When you changed versions, but you possibly change to running in continuous mode (i.e. specified a schedule in the extended options) ?

You might consider adding a parameter to the -x switch. Instead of just saying "-x", which will rename and restart the transaction log after each send of data to the consolidated, consider using something like "-x 2M", which will only rename and restart the transaction log if the size is greater than 2 megabytes.

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answered 08 Jan '13, 08:45

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

thanks Reg.. yes I am running in continuous mode by specifying schedule in extended option in both v10 and v11 with same switches and parameter. why v11 renames the logs in every sync whereas v10 only rename the logs on dbmlsync restart ?

(08 Jan '13, 20:53) vhm
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question asked: 06 Jan '13, 21:52

question was seen: 2,274 times

last updated: 15 Mar '13, 20:43