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in order to associate a mobile device operating an UDB with a logfile entry like

Request from "UL 16.0.1644" for: remote ID: 8c22b4ff-62aa-441b-a180-a409b75fa1d9, user name: ****, version: MLVER0004

I'd like to show the remote ID in an about box of the application which uses the UDB. Therefore I'm searching for a statement which returns the remote ID from the UDB. The MobiLink usernames are not unique in my project so I cant't use them to identify the device.

Any hints?

TIA, Chris Werner

asked 09 Jul '14, 05:03

Chris%20Werner's gravatar image

Chris Werner
accept rate: 100%

I don't use UltraLite but that ID should be available as the "ml_remote_id" database property. It can be accessed (like other database properties) via the according UltraLite API or via SQL:

select db_property('ml_remote_id');
permanent link

answered 09 Jul '14, 05:17

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 09 Jul '14, 05:19


Thanks Volker, that is exactly what I was looking for!

(09 Jul '14, 07:46) Chris Werner
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question asked: 09 Jul '14, 05:03

question was seen: 2,320 times

last updated: 09 Jul '14, 07:46