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I want to migrate an Oracle & a MySQL database. Oracle XE is installed on my PC but MySQL is not yet installed. I want to know whether it is necessary to have that RDBMS installed for SQLA migration process or just backup files are sufficient.

asked 07 Nov '10, 06:46

RPK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I am fairly sure you need the other RDBMS software running. If you are going to use the SQL Anywhere "Migrate Database Wizard" or the underlying sa_migrate() stored procedure, it uses the "Remote Database Server" feature to read schema and data from the source database via ODBC... and, generally, ODBC needs a running database underneath it. I am 99.99% sure about Oracle, but less sure about MySQL since it exhibits some "non-relational" characteristics in certain setups. Here's how to test: Look for an ODBC driver that works on MySQL files without having MySQL software installed.

(07 Nov '10, 08:05) Breck Carter

Hey, everybody... someone answer the question! ( I'm still not sure of my comment, so if you know for sure, you get the points :)

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answered 08 Nov '10, 11:10

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Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 07 Nov '10, 06:46

question was seen: 1,552 times

last updated: 08 Nov '10, 11:10