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I'm doing a pilot project to see what effort would be required to move our SQL Anywhere 9 database to version 12. I'm wondering what the proper approach would be to accomplish this. In Sybase Central for SQL Anywhere 12, I unloaded the v9 database and then loaded it into a new v12 database. It finished without producing any errors so does this mean it was a clean migration???


asked 27 Feb '12, 10:07

Bwery's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That should be the correct procedure according to the documentation. If there were no errors, then nothing was noticeably wrong with your upgrade from the perspective of the database server and all of the tables, procedures, data, etc... should have been migrated. The static structure of your database should have been restored.

Note that it is always prudent to heavily test your application after such a significant change before placing it into a production environment. It's always a possibility that something was missed or that some behaviour change (intended or otherwise) has broken the run-time behaviour of your database.

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answered 27 Feb '12, 10:39

Phil%20Mitchell's gravatar image

Phil Mitchell
accept rate: 27%


Therefore I would highly recommend the docs, particularly the bunch of "behavior changes" pages.

Besides that, you usually would like to know not only about things that do not work anymore (or different than before) but also check how you will take advantage of new features...

(27 Feb '12, 10:48) Volker Barth
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I agree that you should read the "Behavior Changes" sections. The database migration worked, but will your application work?

(27 Feb '12, 14:01) Breck Carter

Yes, full system testing will have to be performed to make sure that everything still works. I wanted to make sure that "step 1" was done right. Thanks everyone.

(27 Feb '12, 14:20) Bwery

In our migration we found that synch scripts didn't work the same.

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answered 28 Feb '12, 10:44

Eric%20Hofer's gravatar image

Eric Hofer
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question asked: 27 Feb '12, 10:07

question was seen: 3,653 times

last updated: 28 Feb '12, 10:44