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We receive Registration Keys by mail we use to setup SQLA on customer sites. I'd like to be able to copy the string from the mail and paste in into the Registration Key dialog. For now I have to copy and paste section by section, 5 times in a row, often over slow remote connections. It's no big thing, but as we are moving more and more customers from older version to 11 or 12, I'd like it a bit more convenient (other vendors are already there ...).

asked 19 Aug '10, 14:20

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

We tried to do this, but the MSI dialogs don't give us the level of control that we would like. In SQL Anywhere 12, if we see that there is text in the clipboard that "looks like" a registration key when the install starts, we will paste it into the registration key dialog for you. It's not perfect, but we felt it's better than nothing.

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answered 19 Aug '10, 20:32

Bill%20Hillis's gravatar image

Bill Hillis
accept rate: 66%


I just tested that by copying the key to the clipboard before starting setup and it worked like a charm. Thanks, Bill!

(20 Aug '10, 13:01) Reimer Pods
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question asked: 19 Aug '10, 14:20

question was seen: 2,178 times

last updated: 19 Aug '10, 20:32