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I have a scenario in my solution, that when the user clicks on a save button the transaction is committed and the connection is closed.

At a given time if we try to close an unused preparedStatement (that depends on the closed connection) to release resources the application crashes without "telling" us that the connection is closed.

The resources that are linked on a connection shouldn't be released after closing the connection? Or when trying to close the preparedStatement after the connection an exception should occur?


Renato Pedrosa

asked 31 Jan '12, 07:09

Renato's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 31 Jan '12, 09:57

PhilippeBertrand%20_SAP_'s gravatar image



It's awfully difficult to help you when you don't provide any details. From the above, I don't even know what programming language you're using, let alone what interface/API, what server/client version and build number, etc.

(31 Jan '12, 07:26) Glenn Paulley


I'm using ultraliteJ for Android version 12.0.1 build 3505.

(31 Jan '12, 07:45) Renato


Yes, all resources owned by a Connection are released when the Connection is released. I think we have a bug that is causing your application to crash when a PreparedStatement from a released Connection is closed. We will fix that. A ULjException will be thrown if you try to close a PreparedStatement owned by a released Connection.

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answered 31 Jan '12, 10:13

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%

Tks Andy!!

Do you have an estimated time to fix this issue?

(31 Jan '12, 10:21) Renato

In general I cannot commit to a time for a fix unless someone can convince me that this bug cannot be worked around.

(31 Jan '12, 13:17) Andy Quick
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question asked: 31 Jan '12, 07:09

question was seen: 2,770 times

last updated: 11 Oct '12, 12:45