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Hello, I am using UltraliteJ database on android tablet. It synchronizes with MSSQL server via Mobilink(SQL Anywhere 12). One of the tables contains an image column(varbinary(max)). When there are a few images it works well, but after the users entered 200-300 images the database became 300MB and the whole device started to work slow and give errors after connecting to the database(the database is located on the sd card). I cannot even go to settings to see how much RAM the app uses, need to restart the tablet.

Other thing is that Mobilink on my server after that synchronization uses over 500-600MB RAM and does not release the memory, keeps increasing to 1GB..

Can you give an advice how to fix that behavior?

asked 21 Oct '13, 15:21

katalun4o's gravatar image

accept rate: 85%

edited 21 Oct '13, 15:34

It is difficult to say what is happening, given this information. Depending on the sizes of the images, the database size and slowness may be expected behaviour. UltraLite databases should be able to grow to 2 GB. The database cache size may be a factor with performance, although the cache is dynamically managed. You could experiment with the cache_size/cache_max_size connection parameters. I would recommend opening a support case if you are having insurmountable problems. In that context, the case can be given detailed analysis.

(22 Oct '13, 10:51) Andy Quick

Is FileTransfer available for android with mobilink? I think it will be better to download the images as files, not in the database. Can you give me an example for android file transfer?

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answered 22 Oct '13, 08:42

katalun4o's gravatar image

accept rate: 85%

This one is easily answered. Yes.

See DatabaseManager.createFileTransferAndroid(...).

Hopefully you can figure out the concepts from:

(22 Oct '13, 10:41) Andy Quick
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question asked: 21 Oct '13, 15:21

question was seen: 3,685 times

last updated: 22 Oct '13, 10:51