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Hi everyone,

I have a situation that some ResultSets are created by a connection. At a given time, the connection is finalized and closed. The application crashes when I tries to access one these ResultSets (to get some information. e.g. getString(String name)), without "telling" us that it has been closed.

Is there any way to know whether a ResultSet has been closed? Besides that, I believe that right behavior would be throw an exception whenever an invalid ResulSet be accessed.

A similiar situation is described here:

I'm using ultraliteJ for Android version 12.0.1 build 3726.

asked 11 Oct '12, 12:47

marcelopaparelli's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Oct '12, 13:32

Thank you for the bug report. We should be able to reproduce the bug given this information.

As a workaround, I would suggest that you check the Connection that owns the ResultSet to see if it is open. If the Connection is not open, then do not use the ResultSet.

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answered 11 Oct '12, 13:34

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%

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question asked: 11 Oct '12, 12:47

question was seen: 2,295 times

last updated: 11 Oct '12, 13:40