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While testing a deployment of our application, based on the SA10 ADO.NET driver, our deployment popped-up an error message saying ".net framework 4" needs to be installed. On further investigation it seems the problem lies with the sybase ADO.NET driver which needs the full net framework 4 instead of only the "client profile".

Does anyone know if this is the case, and if there is any workaround to make the SA10 driver to work with the net 4 client profile?

Thanks in advance

asked 04 Aug '10, 15:22

Sergio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '10, 22:02

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen

To investigate a bit further i created a very simple solution in Visual Studio 2010. I made a small console application that only connects to a database using the iAnywhere driver. The project was setup to target the net 4 framework client profile. When building, Visual Studio fails and says that the iAnywhere assembly has a dependency on the System.Design.dll, which is not part of the client profile, only the full version. This confirms my suspicion. However, it seems wrong that the iAnywhere assembly should depend on the System.Design dll.

(05 Aug '10, 08:53) Sergio

Another update: I just Created a Case with Sybase support, because in my opinion, the driver should not reference Design components. On further investigations, i found out that the driver for the net 4.0 version of SQL Anywhere 12 has no dependencies on the full net framework.

(06 Aug '10, 10:23) Sergio

Hello Sergio,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I'm happy to report that we've removed the dependency to System.Design.dll. The fix will be available in an upcoming EBF. I'll post a comment to this thread when that happens so that you know the build number. Thanks again.


This has been fixed in CR #637333, in builds,,, 12.0.1 GA

permanent link

answered 06 Aug '10, 18:48

Jos%C3%A9%20Ramos's gravatar image

José Ramos
accept rate: 30%

edited 27 Feb '13, 11:56

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion

Are there any news yet?

(16 Aug '10, 12:18) Sergio

Not quite yet, but it's coming...

(16 Aug '10, 20:15) José Ramos
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question asked: 04 Aug '10, 15:22

question was seen: 2,636 times

last updated: 27 Feb '13, 11:56