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Hi all,

My customer says that SELECT statement becomes slow with the following statuses.

Last request type = unknown

Do you know for the cause of this phenomenon? Or what should they investigate?


SQL Anywhere on Windows

Start option

-c 8m -tl 0 -ti 0 -n adadb



asked 28 Feb '14, 04:15

asa's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

How is that "Last request type" displayed?

If it is the ReqType connection property, that is defined as the "current request type" and it is not well documented. The value is often something like 'COMMIT' or 'EXEC' or 'OPEN' or 'FETCH' and as such it is singularly useless (which might explain the lack of documentation). Personally, I have never used ReqType to answer any question or determine anything about anything. FWIW Foxhound doesn't display it and nobody's ever asked for it.

(28 Feb '14, 10:39) Breck Carter
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question asked: 28 Feb '14, 04:15

question was seen: 2,244 times

last updated: 28 Feb '14, 10:39